This talk is one of the most watched videos ever posted to the Google for Startups YouTube channel. In it, I do a talk targeted at startup founders and CTOs, would-be and otherwise. The theme is ‘What is a CTO? What makes a good one? How does one think? And — where might you find one?’
In this talk, hosted by the ISC Group, and moderated by Dame Inga Beale, former CEO of Lloyd’s, I discuss the concept of ‘time to learn’ and how organisations can use it to be more adaptive and nimble in the marketplace
In this talk at the Global Innovation Forum (GIF) London, I discuss the mechanisms and culture that have led to an enduring legacy of innovation at Google / Alphabet
In this talk from O’Reilly’s legendary OSCON (the open source conference), I’m ostensibly talking about whether companies are ready to adopt cloud computing, which was a startling and new thing then (they weren’t). But what it’s really about is the ways in which organisations reject the new in favour of the status quo, and how to overcome that
‘I am now going to make your brains explode… This will either fail spectacularly, or end with blood all over the room, so either way, likely to end poorly…’
In this fairly recent talk, I explore why metrics suck as targets — but must be used as such anyway. I examine a thing called Goodhart’s Law to understand why metrics suck as targets, and offer some suggestions to use them in the face of that.