CTO / CPO in a box

I have over two decades of experience in building and leading teams that deliver software product excellence. From product engineering to systems design and cloud-native business strategies, I have a track record of creating engines of profitable growth. I can help you to design a software product organisation, refine KPIs (and measure what matters), craft and implement frameworks and approaches that will work with and for your business. More than an 'interim CTO/ CPO', I seek to create a sustainable and self-sustaining culture of product excellence that will grow your business.

Grow your business ecosystem

Whether it's your customers, key buying influencers (such as software developers), or partners, I can help you grow an ecosystem your business will thrive in. I've built global startup partner programs to drive collaborative innovation, strategic alliance programs with the likes of Microsoft and Adobe, and developer relations programs at Google. I also helped build one of the first and largest employee 'systems of engagement' for over 300k users. I can help you understand how these various pieces themselves fit into the overall ecosystem puzzle of your business, to drive customer acquisition, retention, and revenue growth.


From project to product

Large enterprises have used the model of project work for nearly half a century, to manage risk and grow constituent parts of their business. Increasingly, however, boards and C-suite executives are aware that business models oriented around product teams can be both more profitable and efficient. I can help navigate the transition from a project-oriented and based organisation to one that is product oriented. Drawing on my experience both in the trenches of large enterprise over many decades, as well as years of experience working with and in startups and the likes of Google, I can help transform your business into an engine of growth fit for the 21st century.